Raymond A. Koski

October 23, 1945 ~ October 21, 2023
Raymond Koski
Born October 23, 1945-Died October 21, 2023
Ray was born and raised in Edgewater, New Jersey. He attended Edgewater Public Schools. Ray loved spending summers at his Grandparents farm in Upstate New York and visiting with his cousins. After High School he joined the United States Air Force and was a MP stationed in the Philippines and Guam and was a Vietnam Vet. After his military service Ray worked in Real Estate consulting until he decided to get his Law Degree at Seton Hall Law School at age 50. He then opened his Law Practice ‘Raymond Koski and Associates’, focusing on Commercial Real Estate tax appeals.
Ray was an avid skier, even skiing (for fun) with the US Olympic Ski Team. He loved traveling the world, driving his sports cars, and riding his motorcycle around the country. He loved good food, fine clothing, great conversations, and Ballroom dancing. He loved his family and friends deeply and was always checking on them. He fought for the underdog and those that were suffering. He loved this Country and had a keen intellect and knowledge of politics, past and present. He enjoyed reading Biographies, and legal drama books.
Ray would have wanted to thank all of you who touched his life and tell you he loves you. The gratitude he felt for each phone call, visit, and acts of service was immense.
Ray is predeceased by his parents Jane and Alfred Koski and his sister Dianne.
Visitation at Funeral Home: October 26, 2023 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Frank A. Patti & Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home
327 Main Street
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
Final Resting Place: October 27, 2023 11:30 am
George Washington Memorial Park.
Paramus & Century Roads
Paramus, NJ 07653-0021
I was very saddened to hear of the passing of my cousin Ray on Friday. We were able to visit with Ray this past May on a trip to the New Jersey/New York City area. Ray was in a local nursing facility at the time while recovering from a recent illness. It was a pleasure to see him in good spirits; thoughtful, caring and kind. Leaving the nursing home that day, I didn't realize it would be my last time seeing cousin Ray. Hopefully, cousin, you are at peace now with your mother, Jane; your father, Al, and your dear sister, Dianne all who found Grace in the Savior prior to your passing.
+ Father of all, we pray to you for Raymond and for all those whom we love but see no longer.
Grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May his soul and the souls
of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. + Amen
RIP dear old friend
Eileen Pangburn
Oct 23 2023 3:22:26 PM