Roberto Catania

January 1, 1935 ~ June 11, 2023
Catania, Roberto, age 88, a 50 year resident of Leonia, passed away peacefully surrounded by family on Sunday June 11, 2023. He was born in Cattolica Eraclea Sicily. Before he came to the United States he worked as a Marble Finisher in Milan. He immigrated to the United States in 1963 and began work as a truck driver, over years he became self-employed. His garden was his passion, he enjoyed playing bocce with his friends, playing Scopa with his grand-daughter Sabrina, and a good meal with his family. He was an active member of Italia 2000 Club.
Beloved husband of 60 years to Nunziata “Nancy” Catania (nee: Gurreri). Devoted father of Anthony Catania and his wife Yannira, and the late Rosanne Catania. Adored Nonno of Sabrina and Lina. Dear brother of Carmelina Pirola, Rosella Bizzarri, Agostino and Leo Catania. Pre-deceased by siblings Anna Cammelleri and Giuseppe Catania.
The family will receive their friends on Thursday from 4-8 pm at the Frank A. Patti and Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home 327 Main Street “opposite the Fort Lee Library”. The funeral will leave Friday at 9:30 AM for the celebration of his funeral mass in St. John R. C. Church at 10 am.
Catania, Roberto, 88 anni, residente a Leonia da 50 anni, si è spento serenamente circondato dalla famiglia domenica 11 giugno 2023. Era nato a Cattolica Eraclea Sicilia. Prima di venire negli Stati Uniti ha lavorato come marmista a Milano. Emigrò negli Stati Uniti nel 1963 e iniziò a lavorare come camionista, negli anni divenne un lavoratore autonomo. Il suo giardino era la sua passione, si divertiva a giocare a bocce con gli amici, a giocare a Scopa con la nipotina Sabrina e a mangiare bene con la sua famiglia. È stato socio attivo del Club Italia 2000. Amatissimo marito da 60 anni di Nunziata “Nancy” Catania (nata: Gurreri). Padre devoto di Anthony Catania e di sua moglie Yannira, e della defunta Rosanne Catania. Adorato Nonno di Sabrina e Lina. Caro fratello di Carmelina Pirola, Rosella Bizzarri, Agostino e Leo Catania. Preceduto dai fratelli Anna Cammelleri e Giuseppe Catania. La famiglia riceverà i propri amici giovedì dalle 16 alle 20 presso la Frank A. Patti and Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home 327 Main Street “di fronte alla Fort Lee Library”. Il funerale partirà venerdì alle 9:30 per la celebrazione della sua messa funebre nella chiesa di St. John R. C. alle 10:00.
Visitation at Funeral Home: June 15, 2023 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Frank A. Patti & Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home
327 Main Street
Fort Lee, NJ 07024
My sincerest condolences for you and the family at this time. You have my deepest sympathy and unwavering support. Wishing you peace, comfort, courage, and lots of love at this time of sorrow. My heart goes out to you and the family at this difficult time.
Anthony Cocco
Dearest Anthony we are all so very sorry to hear of your father’s passing. Know he’s happy now and that he passed away with a great sense of pride for the family he created here. May God comfort you all during this time and keep him in his care until you meet again. Keep the memories close to your heart.
My memory of Roberto when I would come over, he would always have the wine ready and cheeses on the table.
We would always play Scopa.
I will miss this incredibly sweet man. He loved me and my daughter Anna Rosa. You will be missed. Riposa in pace con altri Angeli.
Caro Zio, resterai per sempre nei nostri cuori. Hai lasciato un vuoto enorme. Matteo e Simona
We send our love and prayers to the family of dear Roberto. We enjoyed many bocce games together and remember his kind guidance warmth and friendship We will miss him dearly. Sincere condolences from Mike and Rose (Cardiff, Wales).
Anche se lontano, resterai sempre vicino al nostro cuore.
I tuoi nipoti Piero, Mimmo e Alba